martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Tour through the Museo del Gaucho

On tuesday one of our teachers went with our students to the "Museo del Gaucho" and gave them a guided tour through the museum. They learned about the history of the gauchos in Uruguay, their lifestyle and work and how they influenced Uruguayan culture until the present day. The tour was very informative and together with the visualization of gaucho culture through the exhibits, it was an excellent way to learn more about Uruguayan history and practice Spanish at the same time.
Here you can find some pictures of the excursion.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Special cooking lesson: Korean food

Last thursday we had a special cooking lesson: in the evening we prepared Korean food for dinner with the help of one of our students from Korea. Among the food were Korean specialities like bibimbap and bulgogi. After enjoying the delicious food, we went to a salsa lesson together to learn some basics of this South American dance. We had a wonderful night with great food and a lot of fun!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Ein Literaturworkshop mit einer Gruppe US-amerikanischer SprachschülerInnen

Diesen Monat veranstalteten wir einen Literaturworkshop mit einer Gruppe amerikanischer SprachschülerInnen und möchten hier ein wenig über unsere Erfahrungen berichten.

Literature workshop with a group of American students

This month we realized a literature workshop with a group of American students and would like to share this experience with you.
Read more

Taller de literatura con un grupo de estudiantes americanos

Este mes hemos realizado un taller de literatura con un grupo de estudiantes americanos y queremos compartir nuestras experiencias con vosotros.
Leer más

Taller de literatura / Literature workshop

We consider it important to share Uruguays` culture with our students and part of it is written culture...
Read more about our literature workshops

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

DELE courses/ cursos específicos de preparación para el DELE

La Herradura offers specific courses as a preparation for the DELE exam (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera – Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language).
On the following pages you can find informations in Spanish, English and German about these courses.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2014

Conversation lesson at the market

Today two of the conversation classes of La Herradura went to a market close to the school to practice Spanish "on the street". Talking to different people on the market was an interesting and enjoyable way to improve communication skills and get in contact with Uruguayans.

Here are some pictures of the activity

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

The white board/ La pizarra 1

Here we post links to white boards with explications of our teachers related to Spanish grammar and vocabulary.

On this white board, you´ll find some vocabulary related to the house:
The white board/ La pizarra 1

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

An afternoon with children who live at a shelter

Yesterday a group of students of La Herradura went to a shelter for children with mental disabilities to spend the afternoon with them. This shelter is one of the volunteer options for students of La Herradura. In the beginning we visited the shelter and got an introduction to their work by the children and the director. Afterwards we went outside with the children to play football and other games. We enjoyed our time together very much and spent the afternoon smiling and joking a lot with the children who received us very openly and warmly.

For photos, follow this link

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Cooking lesson

Yesterday we had a cooking lesson and learned how to prepare torta de zapallitos. You can find the recipe here.

Carnaval internacional

En esta semana de fiesta de Carnaval, en nuestra clase de conversación compartimos entre todos nuestros estudiantes cómo se celebra el Carnaval en cada uno de sus países. Los estadounidenses nos hablaron del Mardi Gras, el carnaval en Nueva Orleans, una fiesta ancestral que encuentra sus orígenes en la migración francesa católica que llegó al sur de Estados Unidos durante el siglo XVIII. Literalmente significa “martes graso”, una fiesta que tiene lugar un día antes del Miércoles de Ceniza, y que marca el final del periodo de excesos antes de iniciar el ayuno y el recogimiento de la Cuaresma previa a la Semana Santa. Durante esta fiesta la ciudad se llena de desfiles y de disfraces y las mujeres coleccionan collares de colores que son lanzados desde las ventanas de las casas.
En el sur de Alemania también se celebra el carnaval, con desfiles, música y muchos disfraces.
Algo más reciente es el Carnaval de Veracruz, en México, cuya fiesta grande se celebra desde hace no más de un siglo y que comienza con la quema del “mal humor” y que, después de nueve días de desfiles, fiestas y color, termina con el entierro de Juan Carnaval, un final parecido al del entierro de la sardina que marca el final del carnaval en España.

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Excursion to El Prado

Yesterday a group of students of La Herradura visited "El Prado", a neighbourhood that is traditionally associated with the aristocracy of the 19th century in Montevideo who constructed luxurious houses there. Alongside the beautiful old houses there are also big parks that we visited. First we went to the Museo Blanes to see some paintings of this Uruguayan painter on Uruguayan history, and afterwards we had a walk through the calm and beautiful Japanese Garden, a symbol of the friendship between Uruguay and Japan. We also strolled through the botanical garden and completed our excursion at the lovely rose garden with its art nouveau style pergolas and over 12000 rosebushes.

For more pictures of the excursion, click here

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Uruguays` gastronomic pride

The Uruguayan "chivito" is a dish that no meat lover should miss when visiting Uruguay.
The recipe is simple. Very simple. A tenderloin. Lettuce, tomato, ham, cheese, bacon and egg.
Served as a sandwich or on a plate, as you prefer.

For decades now, in the most renowned restaurants or on the streets, in any café or small bar, all over the country it`s possible to enjoy this traditional dish that provokes absolute enthusiasm.

Many claim to have invented it and there were even local and regional competitions in "who prepares the most Uruguayan chivito", in which hundreds of people participated.

As a central icon on postcards of the country, the chivito together with other dishes of the Uruguayan cuisine incorporates a philosophy of life.
There are metal cars, some smaller, some bigger, that function as take away restaurants which also offer the possibility of having a break for anyone who wants to know how their team will score or just chat a bit with a colleague.
Uruguay has this time and offers itself the luxury of enjoying its favorite dish. The chivito is part of Uruguays` national culture. You have to try it and it`s pretty sure that you´ll become a fan.

Some recommendations where to eat chivito in Montevideo:

El Tinkal: Dr Emilio Frugoni 853 (near the corner with Rambla)
Chivitos Marcos: Luis Alberto de Herrera 1186 (near the corner with 26 de Marzo)
Bulebar: Bvar. España 2231 (near the corner with Edil Hugo Prato)
Casitanno: Maldonado 2051 (near the corner with Pablo de María)

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Cuento que escribimos en la clase de conversación de la semana pasada

Erase una vez un príncipe guapo con un anillo. Un día el príncipe caminó por el bosque para encontrar una serpiente verde. La serpiente le dijo al príncipe que tenía que ayudarla. Hay un payaso alto y enfadado con una nariz roja que quiere robar el tesoro de la serpiente. El payaso es muy peligroso porque es un psicopata con un revólver. El príncipe le dijo "voy a ayudarte. ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?" La serpiente respondió: "Acá estan las llaves. ¿Puedes llevarselas a mi amigo el artista que vive en la montaña?" "Claro, para ir al la montaña puedo usar mi moto mágica que camina sobre el arco iris." La serpiente explicó que la casa del artista estaba ardiendo y por eso el artista necesitaba un bombero. Él es la moneda de cambio para esconder las llaves. El bombero llegará en autobus al mismo tiempo a la casa del artista que el príncipe. Cuando el príncipe caminaba sobre el arco iris, despertó de su sueño y vio entrar por la ventana los rayos rosas del sol.

Tango lessons

Last friday a group of students from La Herradura enjoyed a tango class in the evening. The class took place at a wonderful tango hall in a beautifully restored old house close to the school. After an short introduction to tango and a presentation of the dance by the teachers, we learned some basic steps and moves. Our teachers were very nice, patient and professional and so, even though many of us were complete beginners, we soon managed to dance a bit. And quickly caught the "tango-virus"... It was a lot of fun!

 For more pictures click here

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Dos clases de conversación juntas

El pasado viernes, como actividad de final de semana, juntamos nuestros grupos de conversación para ampliar experiencias. Brasileños, estadounidenses y alemanes junto a nuestros profesores intercambiaron opiniones acerca de la ingeniería genética, los desafíos morales que implican los avances tecnológicos y el valioso bagaje que nos van dando los años. Y terminamos escuchando un poco de música para empezar con buen pie el fin de semana.

Aquí hay más fotos de esta actividad.

Old bars with history in Montevideo

Old bars with history in Montevideo

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Joined conversation classes

On friday two of our conversation classes joined in order to have an amplified discussion. It was fun...

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Conversation classes at the outlook of the intendencia of Montevideo

Today two conversation classes went together to the intendencia (city hall) of Montevideo. Almost on top of the building on the outlook at the 22th floor, we enjoyed the incredible view over the city. It was a wonderful way to gain an overview over Montevideo and practice our Spanish while talking about its sights – and the weather was just perfect warm and sunny.

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

Festivals in Uruguay

Following the link below, you`ll find descriptions of the most popular festivals in different departments of Uruguay

Festivals in Uruguay

viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Fabianas questionnaire

1. My first impression of Uruguay was of an country that couldn´t keep up with the development and, because of that, many of the neighborhoods are old and sometimes deteriorating. But people there are really friendly and helpful, so it evens up everything :)

2. I really like Montevideo city, its a big city but safer than São Paulo -Brasil, for example. I just don´t like the way most all of the old buildings look, and there are really nice houses that should be recovered before they actually deteriorate. But again. it happens in all big cities.

3. Method: Bien / Teaching Materials: Bien / Conversation Classes: Bien / Homework: Bien / Teachers: Muy Bien (But Cristina should give grammar classes instead of conversation classes).

4. What I like most about the school is that you always try to do everything that is possible to make us confortable and adjust everything to our needs. Also, is great to have diferent teachers so we can get in touch with diferente ways os teaching and accents as well.

5. There isnt anything that I didnt really like about the school.

7. The school is well located, have everything that is needed for a good living but the noise of the running water, specially in the room 1, is terrible. :(

Theis feedback

Fabianas feedback

Brunos feedback

Feedback of one of our students

First of all, I would like to thank you very much, I really enjoyed my time at school and could learn at least a little bit of Spanish. I hope to continue in USA and if I ever know anyone coming to Uruguay to learn the language I will definitely recommend this school. My experience was very good and I appreciate the effort of you, your daughters and all the teachers.

All the best and hope to see you in the future again.

We appreciate every feedback of our students

The feedback of our students is very important for us as we want to improve constantly in order to provide them a pleasant stay at the school and excellent classes. Therefore all students receive a questionnaire about their experiences at our school together with the certificate at the end of their courses. And we also ask them to tell us immediately in case they should be not satisfied with anything.
On this page we would like to share some of the feedbacks of our students with you and show you the questionnaire.

This is the questionnaire that our students receive at the end of their stay


NOMBRE : __________________________________________ FECHA:____/____/____


Querido estudiante,
Al haber finalizado tu curso, te pedimos por favor que contestes algunas preguntas, que nos podrán servir de referencia y ser de gran ayuda para otros estudiantes.
Muchas gracias. Puedes contestar en español o inglés.

  1. ¿Cuál fue tu primera impresión de Uruguay y cuál es ahora?
What was your first impression of Uruguay and what is it now?

  1. ¿Te gusta la ciudad de Montevideo? ¿Te parece un buen lugar?
Do you like the city of Montevideo? Does it seem like a good place?

  1. ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre lo siguiente? What is your opinion on the following?

Muy bien






Materiales de enseñanza

Teaching materials

Clases de conversación

Conversation classes





4.¿Qué es lo que más te gustó de la escuela? What did you like most about the school?

5.¿Qué es lo que menos te gustó de la escuela? What did you like least?

6. ¿Cómo pasaste tu tiempo libre? How did you spend your free time?

7. ¿Qué te pareció el alojamiento? How was the accommodation?

8. ¿Te gustaron los programas de actividades? Did you like the activity program?

9. ¿Recomendarías la escuela a tus amigos? Would you recommend the school to your friends?

10. ¿Nos permites dar tu nombre y dirección como referencia a futuros estudiantes?
Can we give your name and email address to future students?

Yes / No E-mail: ………………………………………………………

¡Muchísimas gracias!
Por favor, escribe un resumen de tus experiencias en la escuela en español, inglés, u otro idioma. Puedes contestar por mail.
Please write a summary of your experiences in the school in Spanish, English, or another language. You can reply by e-mail.


lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Guided tour through the museum of decorative arts

Last thursday we enjoyed a guided tour through the museum of decorative arts, a beautiful building in the old center of Montevideo. Designed by french architects in the beginning of the 20th century, the building is also known as „Palacio Taranco“ named after its owners, the Ortiz de Taranco family. Today it hosts the wonderful original interior of the family residence, mostly imported from France, alongside a collection of antique ceramics from the mediterranean region. We had the pleasure to get a lot of interesting informations about the history of the house and the exhibited pieces which was also a perfect way to practice the comprehension of spoken Spanish.